Monday 17 April 2017

Cutting it-Gender

Women stereotypes

A housewife image that like to stay at home and cook for their children.
All women are angry because they are either pregnant or have their periods.
Women don’t know how to play sports and football is a male sport.
Women aren’t knowledgably about DIY.
Women only wear makeup to impress men.
If you have short hair you are attracted to women.
Women aren’t good enough to play video games.
Women are supposed to do as they are told.
Women are not as strong as men.
Women are nurses, not doctors.
Women should have jobs such as secretaries, teachers and librarians.

Men stereotypes

Men do jobs such as construction, engineering, plumbing and mechanics, they are secretaries or teachers.
Men earn the money for the family at home.
They don’t look after children by themselves or do any of the housework.
Men are good at maths.
Men enjoy outdoor activities such as fishing, golf and camping.
Men are in charge and are always correct with anything.
Men have the right to tell women what to do.
Men should always pay for women when they are out together.
Men should always propose and be the romantic one.
Men cant work in industries such as fashion or beauty unless they are gay.

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