Monday 17 April 2017

Task 7

Audiences usually go to the cinema on a Saturday or Sunday this is  because this is when children and adults have the most free time.
The top 5 most popular genres are Action, Animation, Sci-fi, Comedy, Drama. The top films in each of these were:
Action- Spectre
Animation- Minions
Sci-fi- Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Comedy- Pitch Perfect 2
Drama- Fifty Shades Of Grey
Social media plays a big  part in the audience hearing about films, people can hear about films from averts online that have been spread on big social media sites like Facebook and twitter from friends. The audience prefers to watch US films as these films have the most well known actors and actresses in them so people want to watch them more. The audience really enjoys 3D movies as they are a lot more involved and interactive and they bring something different which makes people more interested therefore they like them. Children are the ones who are most likely to want to go and see 3D films as they attract them more because it is something so special compared to what they are used to seeing. Ways in which audiences watch films can be on DVDs, Netflix and other online sources. People can go to the cinema on their own or even with their family or friends. Most audiences are most likely to go to the cinema on weekends, holidays and evenings this is because this is when people are less busy. Most audiences are more likely to go to the cinema in their own town at their main cinema this is because they will have all the up to date films.

Cutting it-Gender

Women stereotypes

A housewife image that like to stay at home and cook for their children.
All women are angry because they are either pregnant or have their periods.
Women don’t know how to play sports and football is a male sport.
Women aren’t knowledgably about DIY.
Women only wear makeup to impress men.
If you have short hair you are attracted to women.
Women aren’t good enough to play video games.
Women are supposed to do as they are told.
Women are not as strong as men.
Women are nurses, not doctors.
Women should have jobs such as secretaries, teachers and librarians.

Men stereotypes

Men do jobs such as construction, engineering, plumbing and mechanics, they are secretaries or teachers.
Men earn the money for the family at home.
They don’t look after children by themselves or do any of the housework.
Men are good at maths.
Men enjoy outdoor activities such as fishing, golf and camping.
Men are in charge and are always correct with anything.
Men have the right to tell women what to do.
Men should always pay for women when they are out together.
Men should always propose and be the romantic one.
Men cant work in industries such as fashion or beauty unless they are gay.


Some of the shots in this clip are shown from the view of Doc Martin, this matches the whole clip as in general the audience is following his story and movement throughout the day in his new village. The fact that we sometimes get to see it from his point of view lets us see the difference between the people from him and how he is almost like the odd one out. In some shots seeing from his point of view really puts the audience in the place of him and we can then see the real difference between him and the people he interacts with. Without doing this we might not be able to really understand just how different the people are. We can clearly see that he is more intelligent and is more real than anyone else. Overall the fact that we get to see from Doc Martins view and some points during the clip lets us see just how big the difference is between him who is from London and the people around him.

The camera follows him about wherever he goes thought the whole clip which first of all shows his important in this village and that he has a very high importance compared to the people around him. This could also represent that he overall is more intelligent than anyone else and people come to him and we watch him be in control of every situation that he is in. The fact that he is in every seen really lets us see how he is viewed differently to everyone and they all interact with him in different ways. As we are following him we get to know more about him and how he thinks. From doing this we can tell that he is unsure or even a bit out of control of the things around him which then tells us that he may feel uncomfortable as he is not originally from ere and maybe he is having a hard time adjusting to the new people around him and how the act.

 Mise en scene-
The costumes in this clip lets us know a lot about both the people who live there and also Doc Martin, the workers who are there to help him are dressed in a common plumber’s outfit ready for work whereas Doc Martin is dressed more smart and professional in a suit. This lets us see that the two workers and him have very different jobs. The workers are rough but Martin is completely the opposite, this could be letting us know that because he is from London he Is more on the Business side and more formal and has a high respecting job as people who work in London or live are usually seen as the business type with a serious job. On the opposite side you have the people working for him who are not from London but live more by the sea with fields and in a village. These two workers might have the stereotype of being less intelligent as they might be known to have less important jobs and they might be seen as people who would have more hands on jobs than anything else with a higher importance. It’s clear that Doc Martin would get paid more than the two workers just from how the characters are dressed. Overall from the way that they dress it is clear that because these people come from two different places they are expect to have a certain level of work and therefore the type of work that they have could also be repressing their intelligence and how the man from London must be smart and have a nice job compared to the people who work in a village.
The actors are extremely important as they show how the character is being represented, for example in this clip the workers overall give a don't care attitude towards their work while Doc Martin seems to be the intelligent one who is trying to sort out the problems. The workers seem slow and Doc Martin seems to be quick and more real and down to earth. The workers give this impression by their actions, one sits and eats and doesn't really look bothered and the other one also looks clueless. Because they act in this way we can see that this people don't really care how people see them, this could be because they are too thick to really understand the importance of doing the job right. The reason that I can tell that Doc Martin is more educated and advanced is because of his reaction to the men, he seems angry and confused which let us know that he on the other hand does care how the job is done and he does also care how he looks as he wants things to go right so he doesn't look stupid if they mess it up. The way they all act really shows the difference in how people from different places see themselves and also how they want to be seen. Doc Martin wants to be respected and so he plays how someone who would want to be would so the audience can clearly see that the he is more advanced maybe because he comes from London where you have to be like that as looking in control is very important.

Task 8- technology

-3D technology

-Free preview

-At home


Monday 20 March 2017

Hotel Babylon- Ethnicity

The fast pace of the shots when the people are being told that immigration is here and  also when they begin to hide into the small room shows the struggle and the panic of the immigrants and how they all have been very prepared for this which shows just how serious immigration is being taken. As the pace is fast this overall is represents that immigration is very serious and also just how confusing and scary it can be for the people involved.

The officers had the least amount of screen time compared to the immigrants hiding but because they were in a group it takes away their individual power. The three men at the start who want to invade and search get some screen time but not as much, this shows the individual power they have. They are the first people that the audience sees and then this means that they catch are attention and this gives them power then we also see them near the end which almost if like they open and end the scene because they have so much power. They come in and take away someone which means that they were successful and have done their job, Also the officers  and the immigrants are seen throughout the clip which shows that people who are against and for immigration are always present and its still a current issue.

There are shots of the guests mainly in the start and near the end of the clip however the shots are rare and quick. This could show how people don't fully understand immigration if they have never experienced it themselves. They show the people who sit back and watch like when stories are shown in the media and the audience that reads them, they are always there but they don't know the details and generally don't play a big part in immigration which is why we hardly see the guests of the hotel, to show how the people who haven't experienced  immigration see it, they can be confused and generally just sit in the background and don't play apart in what happens to these people.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Torch Wood

The close up shot of the two men kissing shows the attention that this act is receiving  and how people may see their sexuality as not normal. The audience is forced to watch the two men kiss this means that the audience can't look away and they can't just ignore it. If the people kissing were a heterosexual couple then we would see the whole scene and the close up, but the two men as this time seen kissing would not be normal but doing this close up is showing the audience the message that is trying to be put across is that it can't be ignored and that people should just face it and accept that love is love no matter who it is with and just because you may not see it as right or normal it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. No matter what view you have love cant be stopped so showing it to the audience shows the realness.

The 360 degree dolly shot lets us see the audiences emotions