Monday 20 March 2017

Hotel Babylon- Ethnicity

The fast pace of the shots when the people are being told that immigration is here and  also when they begin to hide into the small room shows the struggle and the panic of the immigrants and how they all have been very prepared for this which shows just how serious immigration is being taken. As the pace is fast this overall is represents that immigration is very serious and also just how confusing and scary it can be for the people involved.

The officers had the least amount of screen time compared to the immigrants hiding but because they were in a group it takes away their individual power. The three men at the start who want to invade and search get some screen time but not as much, this shows the individual power they have. They are the first people that the audience sees and then this means that they catch are attention and this gives them power then we also see them near the end which almost if like they open and end the scene because they have so much power. They come in and take away someone which means that they were successful and have done their job, Also the officers  and the immigrants are seen throughout the clip which shows that people who are against and for immigration are always present and its still a current issue.

There are shots of the guests mainly in the start and near the end of the clip however the shots are rare and quick. This could show how people don't fully understand immigration if they have never experienced it themselves. They show the people who sit back and watch like when stories are shown in the media and the audience that reads them, they are always there but they don't know the details and generally don't play a big part in immigration which is why we hardly see the guests of the hotel, to show how the people who haven't experienced  immigration see it, they can be confused and generally just sit in the background and don't play apart in what happens to these people.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Torch Wood

The close up shot of the two men kissing shows the attention that this act is receiving  and how people may see their sexuality as not normal. The audience is forced to watch the two men kiss this means that the audience can't look away and they can't just ignore it. If the people kissing were a heterosexual couple then we would see the whole scene and the close up, but the two men as this time seen kissing would not be normal but doing this close up is showing the audience the message that is trying to be put across is that it can't be ignored and that people should just face it and accept that love is love no matter who it is with and just because you may not see it as right or normal it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. No matter what view you have love cant be stopped so showing it to the audience shows the realness.

The 360 degree dolly shot lets us see the audiences emotions

Thursday 2 March 2017

Waterloo Road Exam Practice

In todays class we watched a clip of waterloo road we then did an exam practice using the representation of age. 

The clip shows us that it is set in a school which immediately shows us that the age of the characters in this clip will be students at the school which could ages 11-18. Other characters may include older people like teachers. This clip shows the bug difference between the two ages and how the younger ones are rebellious and the teachers have more control. 

In this clip I think that the theme shown is power, this theme is carried throughout the clip because the teachers are shown to have the most power this is because they are older and know they are in control. The teachers make orders throughout this clip and the students end up always following the order. Even though the teens are known to be rebellious this just shows how much power the teacher has as they do still follow the order instead of going against it.

A normal day of teenagers in school.

The characters in this clip have a big range even though the age range for a lot of them are the same, either young teens or adults. Some of the students are rude, nice or just acting like normal teenagers. The main girl is very angry due to people talking about her family and then there is the complete opposite which is the scared boy who she is after. The two charades are played so differently even thought they are in the same age range. This shows us that not all teenagers are the same. This clip shows that age and personality doesn't really match and that just because you're a certain age doesn't mean that you will be a certain way or follow what everyone thinks you should be.

The camera also shows the difference in power because of age though the camera. When the students and teachers have a conversation the camera will look down on the students but up on the teachers which lets us know that the teachers have more power than the students.

Mise en Scene

The sound shows the difference in the characters ages. The students use more slang and the teachers don't which show the adults are more mature and overall have more power again. The teachers talk to the students in a way that makes the students feel as if they are less than them, this again is a way that the teachers show that they have more power by talking down to the students to really state their power.The music turns fast pace when the girl s chasing the boy down the corridor and this show how stressful and fast life can be at that age for the students and just how scary life can be at that age.

The scenes in the clip are quite fast which can also again show how fast life can be for students and then the drama I the sense can show how drama filled life for teenagers can be. The shots are cut sharp which makes the clip more realistic.

Mise en scene
The costumes include the uniform of the students and the teachers. The students are very untidy while the teachers are more smart which shows the difference in how they want to e seen. The students don't care and the teachers are the opposite and care a lot about how they are seen. The broken camera shows the disrespect of the teens and how they are trouble and try to get away with it which again shows that the age they are at is still one that isn't mature. The  adult is the one to face the problem and to show the kids whose boss and this shows the power difference between the ages.