Tuesday 28 February 2017

Coming Down The Mountain- TV Drama

In class we were shown a clip of Coming Down The Mountain and we were asked to analysis it. We watched it and had to link it to the representation of disability.

 For Mise en scene I looked at the actors. When looking at the characters I saw that the disabled brother wearing more baggy clothes which shows that he as a disabled person doesn't really concentrate on the normal things a teenage his age would worry about, they worry about fashion and clothes but he doesn't care how others view him. For props I can see that the disabled brother plays with children's toys and this shows that his mind is still young and still learning. We know that these are children's toys and no one else from the clip including the other teenagers play with them. Even the children younger then him are interested in  more dangerous and older toys which shows that his mind is still really young and he hasn't got the mind set of a teenage which normal stereotypes are moody and rebellious but he is happy and paying with children's toys which also show his innocence. The setting In the first scene we are shown the boys bedroom and one side it is shown to be bright and the other side is shown to be dark. The disabled brother side is more bright and happy while the older brother has more of a depressing vibe. This shows us that even though the younger brother is disabled it doesn't mean that he is sad or depressed and that he is still living his life and seeing the good in things. The older brother is the opposite and he is more moody and rebellious and shows more characterises of the typical teenager, he has no disability but seems to be more unhappy then his brother who does. Overall the bedroom shows the difference in having a disability and not having one and how having one doesn't need to change how you see the world and that it just depends on how you choose to see it.

For sound I saw that in the kitchen scene the disabled boy doesn't think before he speaks. He says ' I need a poo' this tells us the disabled boy is vulnerable and hasn't quite matured as a teenager. Also in the kitchen their parents talk calmly and soft towards the boy with down syndrome. Whereas their parents talk harshly and snap at the other brother. This shows how disable and abled people are treated differently. The voiceover in the clip and the music are contrapuntal. The dialogue in the voiceover explains how annoyed the able body boy is with his disabled brother but he music is calm and soft. During the conversation in the kitchen the abled boy talks a lot more than the disabled boy this tells us that in the real world disabled people don't really have a say in what geos on in society. The diegetic sound of the cutlery clanging against each other and the chars scarping along the floor brings us back to the reality of them being a normal family.

When looking at editing we can look at the amount of screen time that the actors got and what that then says about disability, there are two main characters which are the two brothers. The more able boy has more screen time than the disabled one as the more abled boy is the one telling his views and we are seeing his life with his opinions there for he has more power. Although the abled brother seems to think that he gets the least attention from our point of view we see the opposite and we see more of him and everything is based around him and not his disabled brother. The use the technique of fade in the editing shows how the school day goes on at a nice flow and follows a pattern and is calm, although that's not what you'd expect from the disabled boys life, it shows that disability doesn't have to mix up the flow of your life and although there may be tasks on the way it doesn't stop disabled people like the younger brother from living his life how he likes and his days follow the same pattern as everyone else.

For camera one of the shots was a birds eye shot, this was the first shot, it was done like this to show the rooms structure and their differences on the personalities. We could see both sides and how different they where. We could see the differences of how the brothers think different. Before you even see and know about the disability we see that they are different. This shows that personalities are more important then disability and that its what makes you and not what disability you have. The disability doesn't decided what kind of person or personality you have to have.

 Camera - birds eye view, first shot, to show the rooms structure and their split personalities
- low angles shot when he's about to leave him, to show he's more immature and unworthy
- 180 pan, a tracking shot, the second shot of him on his bed, shows his brain thinking and moving from point to point
- zoom on the boy in bed, to show his purity and how innocent his intentions are
- close up on the bus, changes stress him out and the close shot shows how stressed he is and how he is struggling with the journey home.

Thursday 9 February 2017

Top Grossing Films of 2016

Top 5 and their grossing producers/exhibitors and when they came out. 

Captain America: Civil War
Producer/Exhibitor? : Marvel Studios/Entertainment
When did they come out? : 29 April 2016
Finding Dory
Producer/Exhibitor? :  Walt Disney / Lindsey Collins
When did they come out? : 8th June

Producer/Exhibitor? :  Pixar, Walt Disney / Clark Spencer
When did they come out? : 25th March

The Jungle Book
Producer/Exhibitor? : Walt Disney / Jon Favreau, Brigham Taylor
When did they come out? : 15th April 2016

The Secret Life Of Pets
Producer/Exhibitor? : Illumination Entertainment
When did they come out? : 8th July 2016

What are the big six film companies?

-Warner Bros.
-20th Century Fox.
-Paramount Pictures
-Universal Pictures.
-Sony Pictures Entertainment
-Walt Disney Studios.
Thinking of the school holidays, which films are on general release?
All of the films would have all been released around school holidays. Most of them are aimed at a younger audience this means that the films would be able to get a larger audience to see the films as the holidays are the time that children which is the target audience would most likely watch the films.

What genre of films are there?
Captain America-Action
The Jungle Book, Zooptopia-Adventure
Zootopia, The Secret Life of Pets, Finding Dory-Animation
How many are sequels?
Both Finding Dory and Captain America have or are sequels.

How many are blockbusters aimed at a younger audience?

How many were produced by the Big Six?

How many different formats are there? Name them.

What kinds of films seem to be missing?

How many of the film distributors seem to be producers as well?

Who do you think are the target audiences for these?

Thursday 2 February 2017

Analysing clips

  Review one:                                                                     
watch clip and use                                                             

Review two:

mise en scene-

Review three:
editing -
Screen time
Order of narrative
Special effects

Review four:
Link to representation

Luther clip

The big 6

The big 6

Mini Major's



Film industry

Top grossing films of 2016

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Production company is Walt Disney
Was released on the 16/12/16 - just before the Christmas holidays
Genre of family/adventure

Finding Dory
Production Company - Walt Disney
Genre - Family/Adventure
Was released on the 17/06/16- before the summer holidays

Captain America: Civil War
Production Company - Walt Disney
Genre - Action
Was released on the 06/05/16

The Secret Life of Pets
Production Company - Universal Pictures
Genre - Family/Adventure
was released on the 08/07/16- Just before the summer holidays

The Jungle Book
Production Company - Walt Disney
Genre - Family/Adventure
Was released on the 15/04/16

The big six film companies
All of these top grossed films of 2016 was produced by one of the big six. Walt Disney is a very popular one, as 4/5 of its movies made it into the top grossed films.
The target audience of these is aimed at children and families. I think this because Walt Disney typically produce films for children and families. The genres of these films also give it away as they have the family genre.
These films were released near holidays or in them ,I think this is so when children break up from school more people go to see it because it is a good family day out. More people will be off work and school, with nothing to do.

Representation and textual analysis


First half of exam - 1 hour 15 minutes
Textual analysis- camera, mise en scene, editing, and sound.
Representations- Disability

Second half of exam - 45 minutes
institutions and audience

T.V Dramas
  • Game of Thrones
  • Breaking Bad
  • Sherlock                                                              
  • The Crown
  • Orange is the new Black 

 T.V Fantasies
  • Once Upon a Time
  • Charmed                                                                  
  • Teen Wolf                                      
  • Merlin
  • American Horror Story
T.V Thrillers
  • Stranger Things
  • Breaking Bad                                                       
  • Pretty Little Liars
  • Emmerdale                             
  • EastEnders
  • Coronation Street
  • Hollyoaks
  • Doctors
  • Holby City
  • Neighbour
  • Home and Away
  • Casualty